YAY! You're in! How exciting is this?
Congratulations for taking the leap and enhancing your business + continuing to build your email list
First things first:
- GET ORGANIZED: keep everything in one place. That may mean a google drive, a folder, a binder, or a box. However you learn better, just keep it all in one place.
- MAKE TIME: no one has free time [ especially you, a business owner, mom, entrepreneur] so carve out 1-3 hours to implement even if it's a few minutes at a time. I'm serious, take a planner/phone out right now and add it to your schedule.
- DRIP DRIP: This content is dripped, meaning, you do not get the lessons all at once. This is intentional since IMPLEMENTATION is the most important way to build and grow.
- Create a place to stay organized ↴ [ We have a lesson on this too ]
If you plan on printing things out, get a notebook, binder, or folder.
If you're a virtual girly, you can use something like Notion ⇢ Sign up for notion: CLICK HERE If you want to use something like a Google Drive, you totally can too
- Also, please fill this form out. I want to know exactly how to help you & what additional support you need! ⇣
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